Deepin add Hyper entry to the context menu!

Weslley Campos
1 min readSep 11, 2021


I had a lot of difficulties adding an entry to the context menu in Deepin to Hyper terminal. Hyper has a problem, see this ISSUE, they don’t open in the same directory, but we can bypass this problem by adding a custom entry to the context menu, following these steps:

  1. Download this plugin:
sudo apt install dde-file-manager-menu-oem

2. You need to create a folder:

sudo mkdir /usr/share/deepin/dde-file-manager/oem-menuextensions

3. Go to the folder location:

cd /usr/share/deepin/dde-file-manager/oem-menuextensions

4. Create a desktop entry:

touch hyper.desktop

5. Add this lines to the file:

[Desktop Entry]Name=Open in HyperExec=/opt/Hyper/hyper %UIcon=hyperType=ApplicationMimeType=text/plain;inode/directory;

